Opus to Audio

For a tons of personal reasons I don’t use Whatsapp, I prefer Telegram instead but often I need to listen some audio files from Whatsapp that are in OPUS so to listen it I need to convert it, so boring, isn’t it? So I wrote a Telegram’s bot to convert it for me but better.



Using more than one device often I need to move some links or some datas from to another one, I need a simple and clean way to do that without logins, emails, codes and hard to remember links so I thought how to solve my problem using golang…



The first phase in security assessment is focused on collecting as much information as possible about a target application. One tool to do that is Goofile, it allows to search a specify filetype in a specify domain using Google…



One of the worst things that can be happens to a twitter user is surely to be unfollows but how to discover who unfollow you ? To solve this problem I create an ad-hoc offline and commandline tools to do that.
