Create a WC clone with Golang

I’ve been using Golang in the past months, and I was very happy about it, this language makes me feel entertained and productive and the same time. Studying for me is a lifelong journey, and with that in mind, I decided to keep using it for another challenge/project that I found quite simple but interesting.
You’ll see! I spent some of my free time on it and today, I’d like to share with you which route I took to accomplish it.
Let’s start!


PointerPodcast - Buildpacks and Extreme Programming

I decided to expose myself more and more, I like to share my opinions and experiences (you can say reading this blog), and this time I decided to attend as a interviewee for a well known Podcast in Italy talking about something I’ve done for 3 months, are you curious about it?

Author's profile picture Domenico Luciani on Life

Buildpacks - 3 months later

Since the beginning of my career in this industry, I’ve always been fascinated by the open-source world.
After so many years of contributing on my own, this year, I finally joined for 3 months an open-source team within VMware and discovered how an open-source team works.
In this article, I’m going to tell you more about this open-source journey and how it went. Let’s go! 🚀


Safeguarding Software: Embracing Security Design Principles in Software Development

In today’s digital landscape, developing software with a security-oriented mindset is no longer an option – it’s a top priority.
I’ve had the opportunity to attend the Secure Software Development Fundamentals Course by the Open Source Security Foundation, and I found it enlightening and a must for passionate Software Engineers.
So today, I’m going to talk about a set of widely recommended Security Design Principles that serve as invaluable rules of thumb for developing software with security-first in mind.
Let’s start! 🚀


How to create an always up to date alias for your Mastodon account

Mastodon is a new hot-trend topic, so I spent some time trying to wrap my head around it.
The decentralisation is an exciting part of Mastodon; if tomorrow I don’t like the instance where my account resides anymore, I can always switch to another instance and bring all my data seamlessly. It’s fantastic, except that now it’s like having another account with a different address, so I need to share it with my “audience” again and again.
Doing some research, I discover how to create a custom alias for my Mastodon account to have it always pointing to my current account; let’s see how!

Author's profile picture Domenico Luciani on Life

Misleading Pair Programming

I often read tweets, threads and posts about a weird practice called Pair Programming, full of complaints. But I find this usually due to a lack of understanding and improper implementation.
I’d like to clarify why those complaints are misleading and why you shouldn’t write pair programming off completely.


How to mock with Jest and Typescript

As an Extreme Programmer I used to jumping often into different engagements, each of them has challenges I need to overcome and problems I need to solve.
This time I jumped into an engagement with a legacy codebase composed mainly by AWS lambdas written in Typescript. Language and technology I’ve never used before.
How can I learn the language and at the same time being able to quickly deliver value?
The answer in my head was clear: let’s create some tests, the rest will follow!


InnerSpace 🚀

This year one of my annual resolutions was to be more present online.
I want to be more visible and share more content.
I want to create more articles and share them with more people.
Learn from feedback and grow the number of people with whom I interact.

Author's profile picture Domenico Luciani on Life

The Fifteen-Factor App

Have you ever wondered how to deliver good Software As A Service? Nowadays, as developers, we spend most of our time delivering software as a service, but it brings a lot of uncertainties about how to do it properly. Do you know that we already have 15 tips that can help us to achieve that visionary goal?
I’ve been reading a lot about it, and I decided to summarise them in a small article. Let’s dig deeper and find more about this methodology and the fifteen factors which belong to it…
