Interfacing an ultrasonic sensor with NUCLEO board
For academic purpose I have to interface the F401RE NUCLEO board with the HY-SRF05 ultrasonic sensor, it uses the sonar principle to allow to measure the distance to an obstacle.
»For academic purpose I have to interface the F401RE NUCLEO board with the HY-SRF05 ultrasonic sensor, it uses the sonar principle to allow to measure the distance to an obstacle.
»For academic purposes I have to work with BLE, a new technology often used nowadays, with a NUCLEO-F401RE board and the NUCLEO-IDB04A1 BLE extension board by ST
»For academic purposes now I own a NUCLEO-F401RE board by ST Microeletronics, it works with STM32 microcontrollers, it is arduino compatible, supported by MBED, it has 3 leds and 2 pushbuttons on board; Obviously is fully programmable… but how ? Let’s do it!
»Walking around the city I found a cheap nunchuck and obviously I felt the need to do something. This time I chose to interface my raspberry pi with it.
Let’s see how!
I found a cool library online to interface my pc with any usb joystick I have in my house… so why not to move my cursor pointer with a joystick ?
»I have a raspberry pi, I love electronics so which best example of make 2LEDs blinks using a small pushbutton ?