OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java
Today PACKT is published my second book as Technical Reviewer named “OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java”.
You can find it here
Today PACKT is published my second book as Technical Reviewer named “OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java”.
You can find it here
The steganography1 is a technique that allows to “hide” information inside an image or an audio files, it’s a very interesting security field, I can hide “secrets” into an image, pass it to my friend, and he, using a decoder can read what I wrote. Very useful to keep my “secrets” secret; so I wrote a simple C library to hide words into a bitmap images using the OpenCV libraries just for fun and profit…
»In the previous article we saw a little library to semplify my work, today I’m going to talk about a software that allows to track any color and at the same time tell other softwares which colour we have chosen
»In the previous article I introduced you my exam project about computer vision, now I’m going to explain to you how it works but first let me introduce a small header file I wrote to reuse useful functions and structs.
»I’m very fascinated about the possibility to give sight to a machine so for my final high school exam I made a computer vision project…