Exam Project Part One

In the previous article we saw a little library to semplify my work, today I’m going to talk about a software that allows to track any color and at the same time tell other softwares which colour we have chosen

The software we talk about is this:

# This file is part of Computer Vision Exam Project
# Copyright(c) 2012 Domenico Luciani
# domenicoleoneluciani@gmail.com
# This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
# GNU General Public License Version 3 (the ``GPL'').
# Software distributed under the License is distributed
# on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
# express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
# governing rights and limitations.
# You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
# program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include "../lib/funzioni.h"
//File di configurazione
#define FILE_CONFIG "config.txt"
//Nomi delle GUI
#define NORMAL "Calibra"
#define BINARY "Calibra - Binaria"
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    int web;
    //Controllo se i parametri sono corretti
    if(argc != 2)
        printf("usage: %s <mode>\n0 - integrate webcam\n1 - external webcam",argv[0]);
        web = atoi(argv[1]);
        if(web >= 0 && web <= 1)
            //Inizializzo la webcam
            CvCapture *capt = cvCaptureFromCAM(web);
            //Setto le proprietà della webcam a 640x480
            //Prendo il primo frame dalla webcam e lo salvo
            IplImage *imm = cvQueryFrame(capt);
            //Creo immagini
            IplImage *hsv = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imm),8,3);
            IplImage *binary = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imm),8,1);
            //Variabili varie
            int i,j,step = binary->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);
            uchar *target = (uchar*)binary->imageData;
            char tasto;
            //Alloco spazio per i valori HSV
            HSV *low = (HSV*)malloc(sizeof(HSV));
            HSV *high = (HSV*)malloc(sizeof(HSV));
            //Alloco spazio per il rettangolo
            Rettangolo *punti = (Rettangolo*)malloc(sizeof(Rettangolo));
            //Leggo i dati dal file di configurazione
            //Creo le GUI
            //Ciclo while che si occuperà di prendere i frame
                //Creo le trackbar
               //Ruoto l'immagine
                //Converto in hsv
                //cerco il colore
                //Riduco i disturbi
                //Resetto il rettangolo
                *punti = {10000,0,10000,0};
                //Controllo pixel per pixel
                for(i=0; i < binary->height; i++)
                    for(j=0; j < binary->width; j++)
                        if(target[i*step+j] == 255)
                            //I punti del nostro rettangolo
                            if(j < punti->xmin)
                                punti->xmin = j;
                            if(j > punti->xmax)
                                punti->xmax = j;
                            if(i < punti->ymin)
                                punti->ymin = i;
                            if(i > punti->ymax)
                                punti->ymax = i;
                //Creo il rettangolo
               //Creo il baricentro
                //Mostro le GUI
                //Aspetto 15 millisecondi
                tasto = cvWaitKey(15);
                    //Se premo 'q' esco
                    case 'q':
                        return 2;
                    case 's':
                        //Se premo 's' salvo i dati che mi servono
                //Prendo un altro frame
                imm = cvQueryFrame(capt);
            //Libero tutto ciò che ho allocato in precedenza
            puts("webcam not found");
    return 0;

it is in the config directory called calibra.c

  • I start included the OpenCV libraries like cv.h, highgui.h and apart my library funzioni.h
  • I define where we can find the configuration file, the name of the GUI where we are going to show the frame taken from the webcam and the name of the GUI where we are going to show the binary result of the taken values.
  • I check if I inserted the right parameters to know which webcam we want to use.
  • I initialize the webcam with the function cvCaptureFromCAM specifying with parameter 0 for the internal webcam and 1 for the external one.
  • I set the property of the webcam using as dimensions 640×480.
  • I take the first frame and set it into imm
  • I create an image HSV where I am going to save the converted image in HSV with the same size of imm.
  • I create an image where I am going to save the binary image that we will found
  • I take the step of the binary image, the widthStep field that tell the number of bytes between the start of every pixels row.
  • After that we have target, the real pixels of the image.
  • I need to cast as unsigned char the variable because as default is a char* and we need an unsigned char.
  • I define a tasto variable that I use to hook the input of the user.
  • I alloc 2 pointers to the HSV structure and one pointer to the Rettangolo structure.
  • I take the values from the configuration file and set it in low and high
  • I create 2 GUI
  • Now I loop until false
  • I create some trackbars that allows the user to interact to see changes in real time
  • 6 trackbrs, each of them are going to manage the mininum and maximum value of H, S, V we want to analyze
  • The values are between 0 and 255 and the trackbar will be on he NORMAL GUI.
  • I rotate the frame
  • I convert the image from BGR to HSV and I insert the converted image in HSV.
  • The function cvInRangeS is a filter function
  • Using the maximum and minimum values I am able to create a binary image with white pixels as ROI abd black the rest
  • I reduce the noises on the binary image
  • Now I want to find the white region to follows the colour, to do that I need to do a search over every pixel that make the image: if I find a white pixel I save the points of vertices of our rectangle
  • With the cvRectangle function I draw a red rectangle in imm
  • With the cvCircle function I draw a blue center of gravity of the our rectangle.
  • After that I show the GUIs with the our frame (with draws) and the binary image I found
  • With the cvWaitKey I wait 15ms to allows to check if a key was press, using the switch/case I check: q key -> exit ; s key -> I write the datas taken on the configuation file to allows other software to know which colour they have to follow.
  • I take another frame and restart

Here a screenshot:


As we can see the red rectangle is only around the colour we have choose.