
A few weeks ago I changed my mobile phone provider in favour of a new company called Iliad so I created a new terminal tool to check the stats from the terminal.

In Italy, Iliad allows to have a lot of Gbs just for 5.99euros so why not, I decided to switch my provider in favour of it.

I use the terminal everyday so for me is handy to check the stats from it so I created a tool called ClIliad.


To install it you need to install Go.

After that you can get it with go get -u


To use cliliad you need to create a configuration file in your $HOME dir called .cliliad.json with 2 fields, user and password:

    "user": "123456",
    "password": "yourpassword"

Use it

To use it you just need to call cliliad without parameters and BAM:


          oooo   o8o  oooo   o8o                  .o8
          '888   '"'  '888   '"'                 "888
 .ooooo.   888  oooo   888  oooo   .oooo.    .oooo888
d88' '"Y8  888  '888   888  '888  'P  )88b  d88' '888
888        888   888   888   888   .oP"888  888   888
888   .o8  888   888   888   888  d8(  888  888   888
'Y8bod8P' o888o o888o o888o o888o 'Y888""8o 'Y8bod88P"

✉️  0 SMS 📤  0 MMS 📞  4m 37s 🌐  499,5MB %

Of course you can choose which stat cliliad has to show to you using parameters, the help to the rescue:

cliliad -help

          oooo   o8o  oooo   o8o                  .o8
          '888   '"'  '888   '"'                 "888
 .ooooo.   888  oooo   888  oooo   .oooo.    .oooo888
d88' '"Y8  888  '888   888  '888  'P  )88b  d88' '888
888        888   888   888   888   .oP"888  888   888
888   .o8  888   888   888   888  d8(  888  888   888
'Y8bod8P' o888o o888o o888o o888o 'Y888""8o 'Y8bod88P"

Usage of cliliad:
        Returns the time of the calls done
        Returns the number of the data sent
        Returns the number of the mms sent
        Returns the number of the sms sent

So that’s all, maybe in the future I’m going to add the “abroad” section, show more stats and to allows to do more things so stay tuned!