Full HTTPS on your Github pages, for free

From today this blog is full encrypted by a full SSL protocol, for free. How?

I run this blog for free, I don’t need anything else than my Github’s account, this is possible using Github Pages and Jekyll

You can find the repo of this blog here, it’s totally opensource. The only thing I pay is my domain, nothing else.

In the past I activated a flexible SSL encryption thanks to Cloudflare but as you can read the connection between cloudflare and the server is not encrypted. ❌

And now, Full SSL, thank you Github

On 1 May Github announces the full support of SSL protocol. So after some research I activated it, how? Let me explain this

Change IPs

The first thing you have to do is change your IPs on the DNS panel (I use Cloudflare). You can find the new specifics on Github’s documentation.

In this case add A records with these IPs:

Add letsencrypt record on DNS

The next thing to do on your DNS panel is adding a new CAA record, putting on the name field the name of your custom domain and as (CA) domain name letsencrypt.org.

Full SSL on Cloudflare

After that you can activate the full encryption, go on the Crypto section on the Cloudflare panel and switch the select box on Full.

Settings on your repo

The last thing you have to do is enforce the HTTPS on your repo, go on the settings page of your github’s repo and check the Enforce HTTPS box. If you can’t you have to wait that the DNS propagation and that Cloudlfare works.

The last thing you can do to accelerate the process is to remove your custom domain from the custom domain text field, save and reinsert it again.


After these steps and some times you can check if everything was fine with this command on your terminal:

dig +noall +answer example.com

You should see a result like this:

dig +noall +answer domenicoluciani.com
domenicoluciani.com.    300     IN      A
domenicoluciani.com.    300     IN      A
domenicoluciani.com.    300     IN      A
domenicoluciani.com.    300     IN      A

And of course you should see the HTTPS valid encryption on your blog, FOR FREE.

Good full encryption to everyone!